Zimbabwe: Joshua Nkomo Celebrations slated for July 1, in Bulawayo

The Joshua Nkomo Day Commemorations organised and hosted by the Joshua Nkomo Legacy Restoration Project Trust (JNLRPT) dubbed, The Legacy Walk and Umdala Dance are scheduled to take place on 1 July 2019 in Bulawayo and will run under the theme: ‘I am because you are’..

The Zimbabwe Tourism Authority (ZTA) has partnered with JNLRPT in organising the event. The ZTA is not new to the ‘Joshua Nkomo Brand’ and Programmes, having partnered in launching the Tourism and Heritage Trails last year. The Trails were meant to celebrate our rich history and culture, retracing the steps of one of Zimbabwe’s national heroes and former Vice President of the Republic of Zimbabwe, Dr. Joshua Mqabuko Nkomo.

The Joshua Nkomo Legacy trails last year during Sanganai in Bulawayo


The Joshua Nkomo celebrations are meant to coincide with the anniversary of his death exactly twenty years ago. This year’s commemorations will be marked by a procession starting at Mahomva Shopping Centre in Mpophoma and ending at White City Stadium in Phelandaba with a fusion of traditional and contemporary music. From a tourism perspective, the preservation of the legacy will help promote domestic and international tourism. The community’s image and pride is also set to improve.

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